Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 9: Below Evolution Lake to Colby Meadow- 19 Miles

We treated ourselves and slept in to 6:30 today. My sleeping  pad officially sucks, I woke up on the cold ground and re-inflated it 5 times last night. It sprinkled all night and it took us awhile to pack up. We were soggy and cold but on the trial by 7:30 am. Long cold switchbacks up to Evolution Lake, but we finally got into some sunlight and warmed up.
Neat river crossing
Muir Pass is a long climb above the tree line with lakes every half mile or so. The lakes are pretty desolate except for these little black frogs that line the shore and jump into the freezing water any time you get close.
See the frogs! They're all over the shores of those lakes
After crossing a few large snow fields we reached the hut at the top of the pass which was really cool.
It hurts to think somebody carried cement and rebar all the way up there to build it but I'm glad they did. (Now that I think about it some unlucky mule probably had to carry it). The hut used to be furnished, but the story is a hiker got caught in a storm and burned all the chairs and table to not freeze to death. It seems possible since the last couple of miles to the pass are above the tree line and completely exposed.
Muir Pass Hut
The great White Whale strikes again

The long decent is on a trail that is mostly steep shale sections that were flooded out from snowmelt. We set up camp early around 5 pm and Nick and I took a bath in the river. Ice cold haha. 
Me happy to get the good sleeping pad

We set up a nice fire to dry out and warm up. We realized that both Dad and my inflatable pads leak pretty bad and have to be re-inflated several times per night, but Nick's stays inflated all night. I get the good pad tonight and am looking forward to finally getting a good night of sleep.

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