Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 7: Ferry Drop Off to Sally-Keys Lake-17 Miles

Up at 7 and ate a big breakfast at VVR. I went swimming after breakfast and we waited for the ferry to leave at 9 am. We said goodbye to Chris and Deborah, who were taking another layover day at VVR, and rode back across lake Edison with Fred and Tom.
From Left to Right: Guy in green trying not to laugh at me, Me being a tool, Tom laughing at me
After the ferry drop off we started the long climb up Bear Ridge. 2000 ft elevation gain over 4 miles. The switchbacks were nice and well maintained, just never ending. We ate lunch with Tom, but continued hiking at a quick pace and didn't see him again. We summited Seldon Pass late in the afternoon and dropped into Muir Canyon.
Pretty river on the climb up to Seldon
We camped off trail and will be going to sleep soon, we are above 10,000 feet and therefore can't have a campfire so there is no point in staying up late. We felt great and hiked fast today, I worried that the climb up Bear Ridge and Seldon Pass were going to be too much for one day. Having a rest day yesterday made a big difference. Looking forward to tomorrow, goodnight.

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