Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 5: Deer Creek to Pocket Meadow-18 Miles

"What Goes Down Must Come Up"
Woke at 6:20 to a soft freeze. Out of camp by 7. Long slow climb up to Duck Creek, then downhill for miles. We crossed a beautiful bridge and then had to gain back up all the elevation we spent the morning losing.
Hike down into the creek. Now hike back up out of the valley and over the mountain on the other side . 
My left knee started to hurt in the afternoon, probably from the heavy resupplied pack combined with all the steep downhill. We started back uphill for the climb up to Silver Pass.

On top of Silver Pass
Several people we passed had dogs with them and most of they were very friendly. We crested Silver Pass at 3pm and finished the 4 miles down to Pocket Meadow, but camped above the Meadow itself to avoid the mosquitos. There was really only 1 campsite above the meadow itself and water was 100 yards away but I highly recommend it to anybody who doesn't want to be bug food. 

You can't see them, but there are about a gazillion mosquitos attacking Nick and I
We met Chris and Deborah, a friendly couple from Lake Arrowhead who are close to my Dad's age. We shared our campsite and enjoyed their company for the evening. They plan on taking the ferry across lake Edison tomorrow, like us, and spending a day at Vermillion Valley Resort (VVR from now on). Chris and Dad set the alarms on their watches to wake up at 5:30 so we can hike to the ferry which arrives at 9am. We had a nice dinner together and are all looking forward to flushing toilets and showers at VVR.

From Left to Right: Back of my big dumb head, Nick, Chris, and Deborah

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