Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 2: Sunrise to pre-Donahue Pass-16 Miles

"Fishing Attempt #1"
Woke at 6, slept fine, my inflatable pad had to be re inflated twice. We got on trail by 7:15, leaving Fred and Tom still packing up. We hiked to Tuolome Meadows and bought a cheeseburger and fries at their restaurant. We picked up our resupply bucket that contained food and other supplies that we mailed to ahead Tuolome several weeks ago, distributed it between Nick and myself, and left.

Nick and I leaving Sunrise Camp 
We hiked next to a stream and stopped after about 6 miles when we passed an especially beautiful wide spot. This year my dad bought collapsable fishing poles because the steams and lakes are full of fish, and according to fisherman "The trout practically jump into your arms." I normally don't like the taste of fish, but after a few freeze dried meals I bet I will have a change of heart. Just catching and releasing could be fun and is less messy then having to clean and cook a whole fish. 
Trust me that water is cold

We went swimming in the river (dipped in and ran out of the water) and fished for about an hour but did not catch anything. Fred and Tom caught up to us while were were fishing. We finished a few more miles down the trail and had a big campfire. 

Nick and Fred fishing

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