Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 0: Home to Oakhurst

We will start our hike tomorrow morning on a Monday so today my mother drove us to Oakhurst, a town near Yosemite. We ate our last real meal, enjoyed our last showers, and are going to bed early. I'm pretty nervous about our hike, especially starting off with Half Dome. Dad and Nick recall that Half Dome is kind of sketchy and that last year the people at the top dropped a water bottle which exploded when it hit the ground next to them at the bottom. Yosemite reports that 15 people have already died in the park this year, nearly tripling their annual average of 6. Most of those deaths have occurred on Half Dome. Humans are something like 75% water, I can't help but wonder if the people who fell exploded like that water bottle. Sweet dreams.  

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